Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Ignition Cylinder Problems

By: Kalley Danese

Every day, you are likely busy rushing your children to and from school and activities, trying to get to work and appointments on time. You work hard to keep your household running smoothly, so there is never a convenient time to have something go wrong with your vehicle. As your primary form of transportation to and from your responsibilities and obligations, it is critical that all the functions of your vehicle are in proper, working condition. 

There is one common problem that most often do not think about or consider – until, of course, the time comes when this little car part makes a big fuss. Your ignition cylinder, or ignition switch as it is also commonly referred to, is the primary point of contact for your car key and the functions that turn the car on. An ignition cylinder is usually located on the right-hand side of the driver’s seat in any given vehicle, just below the steering wheel. The slot for your key is visible, along with what may look like a flat, silver disc. Inside of the steering wheel sits the rest of the ignition cylinder and the rounded part that gives an ignition cylinder its name. 

You typically cannot see the inner workings of your ignition switch and this is done by manufacturers on purpose. The ignition cylinder on your vehicle is one of the lines of defense your car has in order to deter theft. If the ignition switch is tampered with in any way, it can make the car easier to steal or start without a key. Be sure to keep in mind that while this little piece is small, it plays an important role in both the functioning and security of your vehicle.

What To Do

If you are unsure if your ignition switch is the problem, it is always best to take your car in to be looked at by a professional right away. There are, however, several indicators or clues that might let you know that your ignition cylinder is the source of your car troubles. Below you will find the most common signals that your ignition cylinder or switch is worn out and likely needs to be replaced.
It is important to also note that your ignition cylinder is used every single time you turn on and turn off your vehicle. This means that simply by default, your ignition cylinder takes a lot of wear and tear over the course of its life. Needing to replace the ignition cylinder is a common problem and it is unlikely that you did anything specific to interfere with its functioning. If you identify with any of the following ignition cylinder symptoms below, there are a few things you can do to get your vehicle back in proper working order and back on the road.

Your Car Will Not Start

Do not panic if you find that your car will not start at all. This can indicate several different problems, but it is likely that the culprit is your ignition cylinder. Your battery, for example, may be the source of the issue, but you will need to have it checked out. Be sure to take into consideration any other symptoms or sounds that may be coming from your car to better help you narrow down and identify the potential source of the issue.

Your Car Starts, then Stalls

Maybe you are able to get your car started, but it does not stay on. Or worse, it may even stall and turn off while you are driving it. Ignition cylinders that are worn down often cause these sorts of behaviors, because the key does not properly stay in the cylinder. If your car ever stalls and stops while you are driving it, be sure to take it into a professional locksmith right away to check and make sure your ignition cylinder is working properly. 

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